New Member Welcome Center

Alliance Member Welcome Center


See Our New Member Welcome Guide


Frequently Asked Questions

1) My password reset is not working.  What should I do? Contact Corina Dubon at and she can either send you a password rest request, or he can manually reset it for you.

2) How to I get on Committee lists? Contact Corina Dubon at and you will be added

3) Can I add other staff to the database to receive the newsletter and add them to committee lists? Yes, you may add as many staff members as you'd like to the database or committee lists.

4) If I have a question but am unsure who to contact, what should I do? Contact Corina Dubon at and she will direct you to the right person.

5) I have policy and/or technical assistance questions, who should I contact? Please contact Corina Dubon for questions and support.