CA Alliance Statement on Ensuring Excellence in Mental Health Act

The California Alliance of Child and Family Services is proud to support the bipartisan efforts of Representatives Doris Matsui (D-Calif.), Larry Bucshon (R-Ind.), Marc Molinaro (R-N.Y.), Paul D. Tonko (D-NY), and Congresswoman Angie Craig (D-Minn.), for introducing the Ensuring Excellence in Mental Health Act in the House of Representatives. This legislation seeks to permanently authorize Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs) under the Social Security Act and the Public Health Service Act, ensuring continued access to vital mental health and substance use treatment services.

"CCBHCs have been a cornerstone in providing comprehensive, high-quality mental health and substance use treatment to millions of individuals across the country," said Chris Stoner-Mertz, CEO of the California Alliance of Child and Family Services. "The Ensuring Excellence in Mental Health Act will expand these critical services to more communities, helping to reduce barriers to access and improve the well-being of our most vulnerable populations. By making CCBHCs a permanent fixture in our healthcare system, we are taking a significant step towards addressing the mental health crisis in our nation."

CCBHCs have demonstrated their effectiveness in delivering lifesaving care and support. The Ensuring Excellence in Mental Health Act will provide the infrastructure needed to eliminate barriers to access, reduce wait times, and enhance states' capacity to address the overdose crisis. This legislation is particularly timely as we observe Mental Health Awareness Month, highlighting the importance of accessible, comprehensive mental health services.

As advocates for children, families, and vulnerable communities across California, we recognize the positive impact that CCBHCs have in ensuring access to a full continuum of mental health and substance use services. By supporting this legislation, we are committing to a future where mental well-being and recovery from substance use challenges are attainable for all.

This bill will support the communities we serve and strengthen the overall mental health care system in our country. We urge Congress to pass the Ensuring Excellence in Mental Health Act and ensure everyone can access the care they need.