Celeste Walley

Celeste Walley

Permanency & Youth Engagement Advisor

Hi! I am Celeste Walley. In a short summary of my twenty plus years of life, I am a fighter and a survivor. I was born and raised in San Francisco Bay Area. I am a founding member of the first ever Youth Advisory Board at Seneca family of Agencies where my passion for youth voice has had tremendous impacts on the staff and youth of my county. I grew up in various foster homes and attended multiple schools, which provided a unique narrative for my experience and is defined by resilience and overcoming obstacles. My story is the foundation of my passion, which has transformed into my desire to make a positive change in the world of foster care and mental health. I spent many years of my undergrad simultaneously working to complete my chemistry degree from the University of California Merced as well as spending time off from school interning in the Seneca Wrap around and TAY FSP programs holding various roles as a peer partner and YAB coordinator.  As well as working with MHSOAC's youth innovation planning committee and other fellowship programs alike to address various social issues affecting the community. After completing my degree, my journey has landed me at the catalyst center working as a Permanency and Youth engagement specialist where I hope to continuously grow my global impact on the foster, mental and medical health system.