Kelsie Tatum Martinez

Kelsie Tatum Martinez

Director - Clinical Development and Consultation

Dr. Kelsie Tatum Martinez is a licensed psychologist with over 15 years of experience serving youth and families with experiences of complex, intergenerational trauma and significant unmet needs. She has delivered direct care and clinical services as well as provided clinical, training, and special projects leadership to programs serving young people in California’s public systems of care.

Kelsie earned her bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Education from Occidental College and her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Baylor University. She completed her doctoral internship and postdoctoral fellowship at Casa Pacifica Centers for Children and Families where she worked as an adolescent residential treatment therapist on their 25-acre campus in Ventura County.

After several years of direct service, Kelsie moved into program leadership, including serving as Director of Clinical Services for Casa Pacifica’s STRTP and later as the agency’s Director of Training. Kelsie has experience providing clinical supervision and training to unlicensed and newly licensed clinical staff and training adult learners, including parents/caregivers, paraprofessionals, and educators in trauma-informed care and intervention strategies.

After working in residential treatment programs for over 10 years, Kelsie is excited to be joining the Catalyst Center team to support and advocate for systems change and more equitable, integrated care for youth and families.